Join a workplace that is more than a workspace

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Why work with us?

Our diverse team is defined by a set of principles that makes 
us work well together. Here is a sneak peek.


It’s something that we need to do, and this is what we do. We develop new skills, qualities, abilities, traits that are available and we personally develop by taking responsibility for ourselves. At Starkos we find our strengths and we develop our strengths so much that the weakness disappears by setting smart, measurable, clear and concise goals.

Work-Life balance

Due to the diversity of our team, we adopted a healthy lifestyle to help us maximize our efforts in obtaining work-life balance by tackling time, prioritizing objectives, flexible and remote work, vacations, stress release activities that improve mood and energy which automatedly helps us be happier, balance our personal life and at the same time being productive at work.


We make sure that we grow constantly together, by overcoming everyday challenges with confidentiality and maturity. Respecting, communicating, measuring team effectiveness, stand-up meetings, highlighting what concerns us and how to solve issues is why talents stay with us, making us proud and successful.

We enjoy what we do just as much as we enjoy working with each other. Starkos honours the value in human and emotional intelligence, not just artificial intelligence. Cultivating a healthy, joyful working environment fuels our mission towards establishing a successful, long-lasting partnership with one another. Join a collaborative and supportive team that continuously learns and grows together towards a common goal- creating a better, progressive future for everyone.

Benefits from working with us


When it comes to vacations, we are happy to let you know that we always offer a great vacation policy which is in accordance with labour law. Our employees enjoy all national holidays, full days of annual vacation, sick leave, marriage leave, maternity leave and being a parent. Taking vacation improves well-being, physical health, boosts happiness, increases motivation and balances time spent with your family.

Health Insurance

Starkos provides a full coverage health insurance policy. As the most important thing that saves employees money in health care by including annual care, emergency care, and prescription medication care. Even if they don’t call the doctor, getting sick or accidents can happen so it's best to be prepared. It helps our employees stay healthy by doing regular tests, check-ups, screenings and so on that later help prevent serious illness. Our human capital matters the most.

Flexible Hours

Being flexible depends on job requirements and our daily schedule. The standard work schedule is known worldwide now, usually it is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, but, @Starkos, we pay attention to the tasks we do and what we deliver. Working hours are flexible and we deliver what we promise. Our team is always willing to assist and support in condensed workweeks, cover overloaded work while their colleagues are on leave, adapting fast to the new circumstances that may arise due to the complexity of the work. Hence, flexibility helps to increase engagement, productivity and loyalty.

Friendly Environment

Developing great relationships it's key for us. Treating each other with respect, everyone being equal, listening and collaborating, new ideas and knowledge sharing, being transparent and ethical characterize us.

Around half of our life is spent at the workplace,  
we want to make sure that time is fun.

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